
Whoops! Sometimes things go wrong. Sometimes you just want to know if Quotec Live can perform a certain task.

You can find our help files by clicking the ? button at the bottom right of the screen or clicking here.

If you have any questions, please send us an email to [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

If you are reporting a problem, we can help you resolve your problem faster if you do the follow:

  • Provide a description of what you were doing. "I was adding a roller door" is not enough information. Try, "I recalled a saved job, clicked on the awning side wall then selected Add Roller Door. I left it as a default of one door and pressed Add. The spinning wheel started and didn't stop." as it is much more helpful to start with. We are going to ask you for more info anyway, so you may as well start off with some detail in your initial email.
  • If you received an error message, please tell us the EXACT error message you received. We can look this up quickly and pinpoint the problem. If you tell us "I got a message that it couldn't find something", we will have to come back and ask for more detail (see previous point)!
  • Pictures are always good. If something doesn't look right in the designer or you have an error message displayed, it's definitely worth while taking a picture. In Windows 10/11, press the Windows key+Shift+S to start the screen capture. Simply select the area of the screen to capture and it will go straight to your clipboard. Now just paste into your email.
  • If you were able to save the job, tell us the Job number in your email so we can view the job from our end.

Sometimes however, you might just need to pick up the phone and tell us what is happening. Feel free to do so, we are always here to help. Please call on (07) 3871 2053 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. Even if you do want to speak to us, it would still be a good idea to send an email with the above details, so we start off with as much information as possible.

To learn more about Quotec, visit Quotec Help